July, 2023

A month that started out windy with a trip to the island of Gotland. Continued relatively cool with a stay at Färingsö and ended with heavy rains.

August, 2022

A month that stareted out very hot, humid and sunny and ended as Fall with cool temperatures and showers. Very few insects this summer, meaning certain birds have had food issues. A the bird flu has taken its toll too.

029 – Snäppor, spovar, beckasiner, m fl (Sandpipers, snipes, etcetera)

Kustsnäppa (Calidris canutus, Red Knot)
Kärrsnäppa (Calidris alpina; Dunlin)
Småspov (Numenius phaeopus; Whimbrel)
Enkelbeckasin (Gallinago gallinago; Common snipe)
Storspov (Numenius arquata; Eurasian curlew)
Grönbena (Tringa glareola; Wood sandpiper)
Skogssnäppa (Tringa ochropus; Green sandpiper)
Drillsnäppa (Actitis hypoleucos; Common sandpiper)
Rödbena (Tringa totanus; Common redshank)
Svartsnäppa (Tringa erythropus; Spotted redshank)
Gluttsnäppa (Tringa nebularia; Common greenshank)
Brushane (Calidris pugnax; Ruff)