
A typical (?) April with hope for Spring as well as snow and rain. The pollen season is also here, ruining a number of intended excursions for me.

November, 2021

Another quiet month with more of the same to come. Now at the end of November temperatues are below the freezing point but the snow has yet to arrive.

July, 2021

This post is dominated by our trip to island of Gotland, southeast of Stockholm. I’m not happy about the quality of the photos in general, blaming the often long distance, the hot weather (heat haze) and strong sun. I shoulld of course have been out early or late instead of mid day. That said, six new X’s was nice to achieve.

September, 2020

After the trip to Österlen, had a shorter stay at the son-in-law’s place at lake Yxningen. Was supposed to spend a week in the Outer Hebrides (Scotland), but Covid-19 made the travel agency go bust, the flights be canceled and us not feeling like traveling abroad.
Also went on a excursion with Fågelguidning to the Sandemar nature reserve.

July, 2020

A quiet month for bird watching, but got lucky with the Goshawk family and a couple of bird I had not been able to photograph before.

April 2020

An unusually warm April got me out in nature a lot. Temperatures peaked at 20C, but now at the end of the month there is sleet. Here in Sweden we are encouraged to enjoy nature, despite the Corona virus, but to keep social distance – perfect for birding. The Tuesday club has been postponed, as has all other events.

062 – Kråkfåglar (Crows)

Skata (Pica pica; Eurasian magpie)
Nötskrika (Gallurus Glandarius; Eurasian jay)
Kaja (Corvus monedula; Western jackdaw)
Alpkråka (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax; Red-billed chough)
Råka (Corvus frugilegus; Rook)
Gråkråka (Corvus cornix; Hooded crow)
Korp (Corvus corax; Common raven)