February, 2023

The Tuesday club has started up and I’ve been on a trip up north as well as brought the camera out bit more.

The Öland trip, 2022-10-06–09

A trip with “Tisdagsklubben” to the south of the Öland island in the middle of the migration season. A wonderful trip, that yielded eleven new “bildkryss” (species).

March, 2022

The sunniest March ever with minimal rain/snow and with Spring approaching. An increasing number of larger migratory birds, but the smaller ones have mostly avoided my camera this far.

February, 2022

Another pretty miserable month but with a good number of days with fair weather.

May (the 2nd half), 2021

In between heavy rain days, Spring has finally arrived and thus allowing me to visit a number of local bird sanctuaries.

April, 2021

Wish I could say Spring was here for real, but there has been night frost, low temperatures and northern winds lately. That said, the early migratory birds are showing up and the blackbirds and robins are singing.

October, 2020

A slow month for birding. The excursions came to the regular winter pause, the weather was worthless and my usual suspects have migrated. Further I did not do any travel. (Not to mention Covid-19.) Mallard (Gräsand) The Tuesday club, Stora Skuggan, Stockholm, October, 2020 Great crested grebe (Skäggdopping) The Tuesday club, Stora Skuggan, Stockholm, October,…

July, 2020

A quiet month for bird watching, but got lucky with the Goshawk family and a couple of bird I had not been able to photograph before.

Northern Goshawks (Duvhökar)

I know, you are not supposed to disturb nesting birds, but I happened upon the below close to a path through the woods. I will not mention were to reduce further disturbance. As the young ones seemed to recently have learnt to fly, they are probably 40+ days old.

March, 2020

Another almost snow free winter with mild temperatures. Now, in March, I have started visiting the bird areas that are a bit more remote (but still in the wider Stockholm area). The early migrants are starting to appear.